Naba2024-06-25T13:49:21+07:00Muhammad Singgih, M.Pd.lppmstitdf@gmail.comOpen Journal Systems<p><strong>Jurnal Pemikiran dan Penelitian Pendidikan Islam</strong></p> <p>An Naba merupakan Jurnal Pemikiran dan Penelitian Pendidikan Islam. Terbitan ini berisi artikel bidang ilmu Pendidikan dan Agama Islam yang berdasarkan pemahaman sains dan Ahlusunnah wal jama'ah yang diterbitkan persemester atau dua kali terbit dalam satu tahun pada bulan Mei dan November.</p> <p> </p> <p> </p> Influence Of Self-Efficacy, Motivation, And The Mubâsyarah Method On Arabic Language Learning Achievement In SMP Quran Darul Fattah Bandar Lampung2024-06-13T09:52:33+07:00Yuli Mas<p>This research is based on psychological and academic problems that arise due to Self-efficacy, low student learning motivation, as well as the learning methods used so that students' Arabic language learning achievement is still low. This design is in accordance with the research objectives, namely to find and analyze the effect of Self-efficacy, learning motivation, and the <em>mubâsyarah</em> method partially and simultaneously or together on Arabic language learning achievement of VII grade in SMP Qur’an Darul Fattah Bandar Lampung. This research is a quantitative study using a survey approach, with a population of 225 students and as for the sample of this study were 54 students. Data were taken using a questionnaire that had been tested for validity and reliability. Data processing uses multiple regression analysis techniques using SPSS 26. This study shows that there is an effect of Self-efficacy, learning motivation, and <em>mubâsyarah</em> method partially on learning achievement. This is obtained based on the SPSS output table, it is known that the simple regression coefficient value of Self-efficacy, learning motivation, and <em>mubâsyarah</em> method on learning achievement is 61.366; 68.236; 66.069 with the variable coefficient of Self-efficacy, learning motivation, and <em>mubâsyarah</em> method is 0.565; 0.306; 0.416. Furthermore, it is known that the significance value is 0.000 <0.05, which can be concluded that Self-efficacy, learning motivation, and the <em>mubâsyarah</em> method simultaneously affect student learning achievement. in the model summary table by looking at R Square = 0.466 so the effect is 46.6% while the rest of student learning achievement is influenced by other factors outside the model studied.</p>2024-06-13T09:40:33+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 An Naba of the Values of Religious Moderation in Islamic Religious Education and Character Education Textbooks for class V Elementary School, Merdeka Curriculum2024-06-06T10:49:03+07:00Muhammad Awwaludin Apriliantoawwaludinapril@gmail.comIlham Aly Ardhanailhamaly3@gmail.comMokhamad<p><em>The teaching of the values of religious moderation needs to be instilled from an early age, especially starting through basic education. One strategy for religious moderation education is to include these moderation values in the components of teaching materials. Islamic Religious Education subjects are the right means to introduce and teach to become Muslims who uphold religious moderation. This research aims to analyze the values of religious moderation in Islamic Religious Education and Character Education textbooks for class V elementary school which were published in 2021 and are based on the Independent Curriculum. The approach used is literature study and content analysis. The results of this research show that of the ten chapters and their sub-discussions, there are nine chapters that contain the values of religious moderation in them, both in the description of the material and the illustrative images contained therein. There are nine values of moderation contained, including: tolerance, finding a middle way, upright and fair, pioneering, deliberation, improvement, non-violence, culturally friendly, and love of the country.</em></p>2024-06-06T10:48:05+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 An Nabaفعالية وسيلة العجلة الدوارة في ترقية مهارة القراءة الأساسية للطلاب المستوى الأول بجامعة دار الفتح 2024-06-13T09:55:41+07:00Muhammad Zaky Sya' Nasihinkhoirunnasihin.misrawi@gmail.comUril<p>أصبحت الوسائل التعليمية حلاً للتخفيف من مشاكل التعلم المملة، ومن بينها وسائل التعلم العجلة الدوارة المطبقة في تعلم مهارة قراءة الأساسية، وقد أصبح التعلم مملًا حتى الآن بسبب عدم استخدام الوسائل في التعلم. ويهدف هذا البحث إلى تنفيذ وسيلة العجلة الدوارة في تعليم مهارة القراءة الأساسية. كانت المنهج المستخدم هي البحث التجريبي لدى طلاب المستوى الأول قسم تعليم اللغة العربية بجامعة دار الفتح. وأما نتائج هذا البحث أن هناك ارتفاع نتائج تعلم مهارة قراءة الأساسية لطلاب المستوى الأول قسم تعليم اللغة العربية. تم إثبات ذلك من خلال قيمة أهمية اختبار t للعينة المقترنة واختبار t للعينة المستقلة البالغة 0.00 <0.05، لذلك يوضح أن وسيلة عجلة الدوارة فعال في تطبيقها. وبالتالي يمكن أن نستنتج أن تطبيق العجلة الدوارة في تعلم مهارة القراءة الأساسية يمكن أن يحسن نتائج تعلم الطلاب</p>2024-06-03T14:30:59+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 An Naba Media Interaktif Pembelajaran Maharah Qiro’ah Platform Website di SMA IT AR RAIHAN Bandar Lampung 2024-06-25T13:49:21+07:00Farhan<p>The innovation of technology-based learning in the form of digital learning media has been extensively developed, including in Arabic language learning. However, environmental observations at SMA IT Ar Raihan Bandar Lampung, X grade, indicate that the existing digital media have not addressed real problems in the school. This research and development of interactive web-based <em>maharah qira’ah</em> learning media aims to facilitate the needs of Arabic language learning activities in the school. The development of this interactive media addresses the teachers' needs to deliver core material to students who have difficulty learning Arabic due to the complexity of the material and student intake. The development of this learning media uses the ADDIE development model. The media developed was validated by media experts, content experts, and learning experts, and was tested on 27 students. The content expert validity test showed very feasible results with an average score of 4.9; the media expert validity test showed very feasible results with an average score of 4.4; and the learning expert validity test showed very feasible results with an average score of 4.6. The researcher developed interactive <em>maharah qira’ah</em> learning media in the form of a website because the students in the school use 1:1 tablet devices that can access material anytime and anywhere, and considering its usefulness for use by other schools.</p>2024-05-21T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 An Naba Aplikasi Android POKUS Berbasis Articulate Storyline 360 pada Pembelajaran PAI di SD Kelas V2024-06-13T09:54:52+07:00Eka Wahyuning Tyasekatyas.14@upi.eduAyuni Fitriaayunifitria03@upi.eduPitriyanipitriyani.13@upi.eduAni Nur<p>Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh urgensi penggunaan media pembelajaran berbasis teknologi dalam pembelajaran politik Islam di sekolah dasar. Salah satu solusi yang ditawarkan dalam penyediaan media pembelajaran politik Islam di sekolah dasar adalah dengan penggunaan aplikasi POKUS (Politik Utsman bin Affan). POKUS dirancang berdasarkan pengalaman dan emosi siswa sehari-hari. Aplikasi POKUS berisi empat materi politik Utsman bin Affan yang dapat ditiru dalam kehidupan sehari-hari, serta kuis dan permainan menarik. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode desain dan pengembangan (D&D), dan diikuti oleh 23 siswa sekolah dasar dan satu orang guru pendidikan agama Islam.Dari daata hasil penelitian ditunjukkan bahwa siswa merasa aplikasi POKUS sangat membantu dan memotivasi pembelajaran mereka. Hal ini dibuktikan dengan hasil evaluasi formatif yang sangat baik pada evaluasi produk dan evaluasi siswa. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dengan digunaknnya aplikasi POKUS sebagai alat pembelajaran dalam materi PAI sangat membantu siswa dalam pendidikan agama Islam di sekolah dasar.</p>2024-05-14T10:29:48+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 An Naba